
  • Name : OPI
    Hit : 3565
    2023-10-06 14:47:05
  • Dear Oriental agents, 

    Good day.
    I hope this email finds you well. 

    Despite of the tough market situation, I appreciate that all our service agents have worked as an authorized service company and have supported us in various ways. Since the pandemic is over, I wish there will be more chances to meet all of you for our future business. 

    Today, I’m writing you to talk about a training center who says that they provide a LSA training on Oriental equipment.
    I heard that some companies try to reach our service agents to promote their own training packages including Oriental LSA equipment, and some of our service agents have sent us the messages to let us know about this kind of approach. 

    However, please note that all technicians should take a certification training provided by Oriental to get an Oriental LSA license.
    For a smooth warranty service, only an authorized technician who have a valid license should carry out the periodical examination on Oriental equipment, and if the company (or the technician) doesn’t have a valid license, it would be difficult to provide a smooth technical support.

    In addition, please note that we decided to terminate an Oriental authorization if a technician carries out any Oriental equipment using the non-authorized license. If you receive any kind of approaches about the non-authorized training, please feel free to contact me. 

    Thank you. 

    Ms. ARAM JANG / Manager
    www.opcois.com / arjang@opco.co.kr
    Tel  :+82-51-320-7903 (Dir.) / Fax :+82-51-831-6260
    8, Noksansandan 381-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, Korea (46755)

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